NATO chief visits Kyiv for 1st time since Russian invasion, pays tribute to fallen Ukrainian soldiers

NATO chief Stoltenberg visits Kiev for the first time
Image source: Twitter NATO chief Stoltenberg visits Kiev for first time since Russian invasion, pays tribute to fallen Ukrainian soldiers

Russo-Ukraine War: As the situation in Eastern Europe remains fragile amid the Russia-Ukraine war, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg made a surprise visit to Kiev on Thursday.

According to media reports, Stoltenberg also paid respect to those who sacrificed their lives defending their country against the Russian invaders. In addition, he also reviewed Russian military artefacts displayed in a famous Kiev Square.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization supremo’s visit comes as Ukraine’s military prepares for its spring counteroffensive after Russia’s failed attempts to advance during the winter, particularly in the area around the city of Bakhmut . The 31-member NATO has vowed to assist Ukraine in defending itself from Russian aggression.

Stoltenberg invites Zelensky to attend NATO summit

Meanwhile, Stoltenberg also urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to attend the NATO summit in July. After Moscow claimed it had seized four regions of Ukraine, Kiev launched a request to join the NATO military alliance.

NATO, formed to counter the Soviet Union, has long feared being drawn into an all-out war with nuclear-armed Russia, but as the West hesitated to provide helmets and uniforms for tanks, warplanes and advanced missile systems There have been high-level visits. Get regular

Stoltenberg had been to Kiev before the war, but this was his first visit during hostilities. NATO leaders said in 2008 that Ukraine would one day join the alliance, and Stoltenberg has reiterated that promise during the war.

Read also: ‘Biggest risk if Putin wins Russia-Ukraine war’: NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg at Munich summit

Russia launched a series of attacks in Ukraine

Ukraine’s General Staff said on Thursday that during the past 24 hours, Russia carried out several attacks against targets in Ukraine, including 26 unmanned Martyr-136 drones, of which Ukrainian air defense shot down 21.

According to Ukrainian forces, some Russian airstrikes were successful in hitting their civilian and military targets. There are also reports of civilian casualties. In addition, Ukraine claimed to have successfully repelled 55 ground attacks in the Donetsk region, including near the hotly disputed town of Bakhmut.

It should be mentioned here that the 31-member alliance has focused on strong security in its region to prevent Putin from attacking any member country. Under NATO’s collective security guarantee, an attack on one member state is considered an attack on all of them.

(with inputs from agencies)

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