National Girl Child Day 2023: History, theme and significance | Everything you need to know

national girl child day
Image source: Freepik National Girl Child Day is observed on January 2024

National Girl Child Day 2023: National Girl Child Day is celebrated every year on 24 January in India to raise awareness about the rights and welfare of the girl child in the country. The day was first celebrated in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development to address the issues faced by the girl child and promote gender equality in India.

National Girl Child Day History

The history of National Girl Child Day can be traced back to the early 2000s, when the Indian government began to note the significant disparity in the treatment of girls compared to boys. This inequality was evident in various aspects of society including education, health and economic opportunities. The government recognized that girls were often discriminated against and marginalised, and this was a major hindrance to the overall development of the country.

To address these issues, the government has launched several initiatives and programs aimed at improving the lives of the girl child. These included the Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (Save Girl Child, Educate Girl Child) campaign, which aimed to increase girls’ enrollment in schools and reduce the dropout rate, as well as the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, a savings scheme for girl children.

Declared in the year 2008, National Girl Child Day aims to spread awareness and empower girls across the country. The day is observed with several programs including awareness campaigns on Save the Girl Child, child sex ratio and building a healthy and safe environment for girls.

Importance of National Girl Child Day

The significance of National Girl Child Day lies in the fact that it raises awareness about the importance of the girl child and their role in society. The day is an opportunity for people to come together and show their support for the rights and welfare of the girl child. It is also a reminder that girls are just as important as boys and they deserve equal opportunities and treatment.

Apart from this, National Girl Child Day also serves as a platform to discuss and address various challenges faced by the girl child in India. These include issues such as child marriage, female feticide and lack of access to education and healthcare. The day is an opportunity to create a dialogue around these issues and find solutions to address them.

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