National Ayurveda Day 2023: The role of Ayurvedic herbs in enhancing fertility

Ayurvedic herbs for fertility
Image Source : FREEPIK The role of Ayurvedic herbs in enhancing fertility.

In today’s evolving and busy world where people are running non-stop with the pace of life, numerous couples and individuals are beginning to face a variety of reproductive issues when they are attempting to start a family. However, to reduce these problems, Ayurveda can be your go-to solution. Ayurveda is an age-old holistic healing system that offers a wide range of herbal solutions. Its numerous Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Shudh Shilajeet, Kaunch Beej, Vidarikand and many more can be used to improve and balance your hormones, fertility issues and the overall reproductive system.

Here, Mr Rajinder Dhamija, Ayurveda Expert at Dharishah Ayurveda, highlights the role of Ayurvedic herbs in enhancing fertility.

Here are some of the herbs which play a significant role in enhancing fertility:


An Ayurvedic herb which is also called the Indian Ginseng. Commonly Ashwagandha is used to reduce stress and anxiety and manage several other chronic conditions. This indirectly also helps improve the reproductive system. Some other issues for which Ashwagandha works the best are arthritis, epilepsy and numerous other skin conditions. In recent times, Ashwagandha is gaining a lot of popularity in the West, it is available to people in the form of supplements.

Sudh Shilajit:

Sudh Shilajit is an Ayurvedic herb whose remarkable properties are known to increase sperm count and quality thereby helping to enhance fertility. This particular Ayurvedic herb is known to be found in the rocks of the Himalayan region. It develops over centuries from the slow decomposition of plants. Apart from enhancing fertility, it is an effect-safe supplement that shows a positive effect on the overall well-being of an individual.

Kaunch Beej: 

Kaunch Beej which is also known as Cowhage or Cowitch in English. The scientific name of the plant is Mucuna pruriens. In Ayurveda, it is classified as a ‘Vrishya’ herb, which means it is considered to be beneficial for reproductive health and enhancing fertility. Kaunch Beej contains natural compounds like L-dopa, which can help regulate and balance hormones in both men and women. This can enhance the chances of conception by promoting regular menstrual cycles in women and improving sperm quality in men.


Vidarikand (Pueraria tuberosa) is a very old and popular Ayurvedic herb which is known for boosting fertility properties. The natural antioxidants in this Ayurvedic herb help protect reproductive organs from oxidative stress and damage. That’s not all, it also contains aphrodisiac properties, which can boost libido and sexual desire. This can increase the frequency of sexual activity, improving the chances of conception.

Incorporation of Ayurvedic Herbs in Your Fertility Journey

Ayurvedic herbs like Ashwagandha, Sudh Shilajit and many more contain a variety of benefits which can help in enhancing fertility. However, it is always important to use these herbs under the guidance or consultation of an Ayurvedic expert or someone who is a medical professional. Here are the following ways through which you can include Ayurvedic herbs in your fertility journey:

Always Remember to Consult an Expert: Before beginning any herbal treatment, always consult an Ayurvedic expert so that the dosage of these herbs is taken correctly according to your specific situation.

Take a Look at Your Treatment Plan: Your treatment plan should be customised according to your needs. Not every herb can be beneficial for you, therefore it is important to consult an expert to know which type of treatment plan is perfect for you.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Ayurveda emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and stress management. These lifestyle factors play a significant role in fertility, so incorporating them into your routine is essential.

ALSO READ: 6 things to do if you are not able to conceive| Expert Tips

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