N-key rollover: Explainer: What is N-key rollover in keyboard – Times of India

One n-key rollover In keyboard This means that when multiple keys are pressed simultaneously, each key press in the keyboard will be registered individually. If a keyboard comes with n-key rollover, that means it can scan each key press separately, meaning that even if you press multiple keys at the same time, each key Press will give some output.
The ‘N’ in N-key rollover denotes the number of keys this function can accompany. Suppose a keyboard has a 6-key rollover (6KRO), then six keys can be pressed simultaneously for input. Some cheap keyboards also have 3-key rollover (3KRO).
Pressing multiple keys at the same time gets a lot of use Gambling, And as such, not every keyboard comes with N-key rollover because the inclusion of a technology ramp increases production costs.
Pressing more keys than allowed in N-key rollover
Let’s say your keyboard is 3KRO, then if you press four keys at the same time, the fourth unassigned key may get blocked or jammed and you might not see any input from it. Another issue could be that ghostingWhich means you can see some input from a key you’ve never pressed.
Should you be concerned about the N-key rollover feature?
Absolutely not, if you are going to buy a keyboard for regular purposes and do not intend to use it for learning and practicing advanced typing tricks or doing some serious gaming. But if you’re buying a keyboard specifically for gaming, you may need to press multiple keys at the same time to trigger certain moves in the game and that can give you an edge over an opponent.
Let’s say you hold down the Shift key while switching between the W, A, and D buttons to move in an unexpected way. Now if you want to jump, you also have to press space while holding the last two keys. You are ready to do so, but see an enemy on the opposite side of a structure or ramp, you can press another specified key to trigger the kill move. But if there is only a 3-key rollover, the fourth key will not register and, therefore, game over for you. So, this feature in keyboard is usually best suited for serious gamers.