mysuru: Youth Held For Cheating Women | Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysuru: Cyber ​​Crime, Economic Offenses and Narcotics police officers of Mysuru district have arrested a youth for cheating rural women by withdrawing money from their bank accounts in a novel way.
Unlike online fraudsters who trap their victims into giving their personal details and OTP over a phone call, this youth visited homes in rural Mysuru to withdraw money from their bank accounts through Aadhaar enabled payment system.
senior citizen Puttananjamma had lost Rs 4,100 from her bank account soon after a youth visited her house on February 1. Dressed as an executive, he visited her home and collected personal details including Aadhaar number and told her she would get ‘Modi Money’ of Rs 3,000 every month into her account. He took her thumb impression on a device and left. A day later she learned that the money had been withdrawn.
SP R Chethan said after the case was registered, CEN officers tracked and arrested him. He has similarly cheated another woman in another village in July 2021.
The SP appealed to the public to be cautious while sharing personal details with strangers and to report any such crimes quickly.
