Mysuru: Dussehra celebrations will be another silent affair this year. Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysuru: Dussehra celebrations will be another silent affair this year, with the High-Powered Committee on Dussehra Celebrations deciding not to hold the Exhibition, Youth and Farmers’ Dussehra this year also due to COVID-19.
Organized by Vajramushthi Kalaga, East Mysore The royal family is also unlikely to be there as part of the private Dussehra celebrations inside the palace.
District Minister ST Somashekar confirmed, “Dussehra will be celebrated like last year.” “The decision was taken by the high-powered committee. That’s why we will not organize Dussehra exhibition.
On private Dussehra celebrations, Somashekar said he was “unknown” of any plans. He emphasized: “Dussehra will be celebrated as per the decisions taken by the government following the recommendations of the COVID-19 Technical Advisory Committee.”
The decision has not gone down well with the residents of Mysore, with many suggesting that the government should review its decision, especially since the government is lifting restrictions in all areas.
“From October 1, theaters will be allowed to function with 100% audience capacity. Cultural programs are now allowed in auditoriums. In such a situation, the government should have allowed Dussehra celebrations on a large scale,” said city resident Ranjit Srivastava.
Mysuru District Hotel Owners Association President C Narayana Gowda and Federation of Mysore Organizations President Prashant BS said exhibitions, processions and cultural gatherings should have been allowed with the Covid-19 protocol.
“We need to live with Covid-19 for a few more years. In view of the falling cases and heavy vaccination coverage, the government should reconsider its decision,” he said. Incidentally, hotels, bars and restaurants are among the worst hit by the pandemic and full Dussehra celebrations will help bring the sector back on track.
Several other locals and representatives of business communities also wondered why the government has decided to make Dussehra celebrations less important, given that Covid-19 cases are falling across the state.
