MUMBAI: In the latest hike within three months, state-run city gas utility Mahanagar Gas has increased the price of compressed natural gas (CNG) in Mumbai by Rs 2 per kg with effect from December 17 midnight.
More than 8 lakh consumers will be affected by this hike, which includes over 3 lakh private car users in public transport like auto-rickshaws, taxis and buses, the report said.
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What is the current price?
The rate of piped natural gas (PNG) also goes up by Rs 1.50 per unit. This is the fourth increase in the last three months. After the price revision, the rate of CNG is now Rs 63.50 per kg, while the price of piped gas is now Rs 38 per unit. times of India report good.
This is the fourth time in the last three months that CNG prices have been hiked. This year the CNG rate in the Mumbai metropolitan area has been increased by about Rs 16 in 11 months.
The report said that with the hike in CNG prices, the Kali-Peeli taxi and autorickshaw unions are now demanding a hike of Rs 5 and Rs 2 respectively in the minimum fares.
On December 4, Indraprastha Gas Limited (IGL) increased the prices of CNG in Delhi, Haryana and Rajasthan. With the hike in gas price, the retail cost per kg of CNG in the National Capital Region of Delhi stood at Rs 53.04.