Mumbai: Animal activist forcibly evicted from Dahisar house; files fir | Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: An animal activist from Dahisar, Priya Mavlankar (31) has registered FIR Thereafter his property was forcibly removed from his rented room in Saikrupa Nagar. Dahisar (East), leaving him practically homeless in the city.
Seeing his dire condition, a social worker there civil welfare association He has been provided temporary accommodation in an old age home in Gorai.
“I have been living in a rented room in Dahisar for a year and a half and have been taking care of several street dogs in the area. However, some of my neighbors started harassing me even though I was doing my job quietly Last week, when I went out for some work, my homeowners took the keys from a neighboring neighbor and forcibly took most of my things and possessions. When I came back I was shocked because I had been made homeless ,” said Mavalankar, who is also a cancer survivor and currently does not have any family members or relatives to support her.
Dahisar police said that its FIR has been registered against the landlords. Indian Penal Code Sections 452, 341, 427 and 504 for intentionally causing insult to the house, causing damage to property and causing breach of the peace. “We are looking into the matter Priya Mavalankar. He had also complained against a landlord in February.”
Social worker Karthik Chetty, who is helping the activist, told TOI, “Last week, I got to know from a local journalist that a female animal activist had suddenly become homeless due to some conflict with her house owners. So, I contacted her. Humanity and managed to get her temporary accommodation at Gorai shelter. We are also appealing to citizens and good people to contact on 9930451653 and help this woman who is struggling alone.”
When landlord Dharmesh Bhat was contacted by TOI, he accused Mavalankar of harassing him and not paying monthly rent and other dues like electricity and water bills. “I have been in Gujarat for the last four months due to the pandemic. Other members of my family told me that the tenant (Priya) was not paying her bills and was also refusing to vacate the room. I do not know why What happened in the past. It’s been a few days since I was out of the station, but he has falsely accused me and others of harassing him. He has threatened my family members too.”
Mavalankar hit back saying that he had paid the rent and it was being adjusted from the initial deposit for the past few months. He also questioned why he was illegally evicted.
Another animal activist Bhavin Gathani Goregaon-based Karuna Parivar Trust said, “Often animal feeders and activists face harsh opposition and hostility in their society for the care of animals. In Priya’s specific case, I do not know the full details, but I also Trying to get him resettled so that he can take forward his animal welfare work.”
of Vijay Mohanani Bombay Animal Rights He said, “Even if there is any dispute regarding pending bills of rent, then it should be duly resolved through the process of law. It is sad for animal lovers to face such a situation.


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