MP woman in the grip of Kovid to save the lungs of Surat man. Surat News – Times of India

Surat: A 51-year-old woman from Indore was fighting for life at MGM Hospital in Chennai. Although she was successful in recovering from the Kovid infection, the virus badly damaged her lungs. For the last 76 days, she was living on ventilator and the prayers of her family.
In the last two and a half months, his family tried everything possible for an organ transplant but to no avail. When they had given up everything, the woman found her Savior, Mansukh Kathrotiya – A diamond polisher from Surat.
Kathrotia’s Lungs, who was declared brain-deadTransplant was done in the woman on Saturday night. “The lungs were taken via a commercial flight from Surat to Chennai and transplanted into a 51-year-old woman at MGM Hospital in Chennai,” said Nilesh Mandlewala, founder member, Donate Life. It was Mandlewala who had approached Kathrotia’s family with a request for organ donation.
Kathrotia, a resident of Opera Prince in Kamrej, had suffered a brain stroke on August 2. His CT scan revealed that he had suffered a brain haemorrhage and on Friday, doctors declared him brain-dead.
On the information of doctors, Mandlewala and other members of DonateLife, who worked to spread awareness about organ donation, reached the hospital. “We met the relatives of the brain-dead patient and explained the importance of autopsy and they agreed to it,” Mandlewala told TOI.
Later, the convener of the State Organ and Tissue Transplant Organization (SOTTO) Dr Pranjal Modi was alerted about this. SOTTO allocated two kidneys and one liver of Katharotia to the Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Center (IKDRC) in Ahmedabad and the lungs were allotted to MGM Hospital in Chennai.
Both the corneas were donated to Lok Drishti Eye Bank, Surat. Although Katherotia’s kidney was amputated, it was disqualified for transplant due to the formation of a blood clot.
“The death of my husband is a great blow to all of us. We come from a financially poor family and we have nothing to donate. But in his death he has gifted life to a few and smiles to many of his relatives,” said Kathrotia’s wife Rita.
Kathrotia is survived by his wife, son Dhruv (13) and daughter Khushi (3). He hails from Challa town of Amreli district.
At a time when organ donation slowed down due to COVID-19 across the country, Surat has contributed immensely in this field.
“We have been successful in donating 111 organs and tissues of brain-dead patients in the last one year. We must thank the kin of brain-dead patients, who agreed for the body donation and saved the lives of others,” Mandlewala said.


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