MP में बोरवेल में गिरी बच्ची की मौत: 8 घंटे चले रेस्क्यू के बाद निकाला, लेकिन बचाया नहीं जा सका

Sironj2 hours ago

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A two-and-a-half-year-old girl who fell into a borewell in Vidisha could not be saved. He was pulled out after an 8-hour rescue. Then the ambulance was sent to Sironj’s hospital. Where the doctors declared him dead after investigation.

Dr. Suresh Aggarwal told that the girl had died 3-4 hours before she was brought to the hospital. When the girl was taken out, she had stiffness in her hands and feet. Normally this happens in 10-12 hours after someone’s death, but due to the wet soil, after the death of the girl child, her body got stiff. From this it is believed that the girl had died inside the borewell itself.

Innocent was trapped at a depth of 13 feet

The incident is of Kajri Barkheda village on Sironj-Kurwai road, 40 km from the district headquarters. The girl had fallen into a borewell about 15 feet deep built in the courtyard of her house. She was stuck at 13 feet. On the information of the family members, the police, administration as well as the SDERF and NDRF team also reached the spot.

Parallel pit of borewell was dug with the help of JCB and Poklen. Then made a tunnel and reached the girl child. During this, the doctor was sent to the pit dug parallel to the borewell. The doctor also did the primary examination of the girl there. Due to the rain, there was a problem in the rescue. Although the rescue operation was continued by covering the tarpaulin.

The girl who fell in the borewell was pulled out after an 8-hour rescue operation.

The girl who fell in the borewell was pulled out after an 8-hour rescue operation.

Inder Singh, the girl’s father, told that daughter Asmita was playing in the courtyard of the house at 10 am when she fell into the borewell. Inder Singh told that on speaking something, the child was also replying from inside.

Asmita was playing in the courtyard near this borewell.

Asmita was playing in the courtyard near this borewell.

Vidisha SP Deepak Shukla told that our first priority was to rescue the girl child. The matter will be investigated. Action will be taken on the basis of this.

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