Mother kills 3-year-old child in Malda, West Bengal

A woman allegedly killed her three-year-old daughter by slitting her throat in the Harishchandrapur police station area of ​​Mohanpur in Malda district.

According to sources, the mother, identified as Manovara Bibi, also had lunch at a neighbor’s house after the crime.
It is alleged that while having dinner with the neighbors, he himself had given the news of killing his daughter.
On getting information about the incident, the police team reached the spot. They took possession of the minor’s body and sent it to Malda Medical College and Hospital for post-mortem.

The mother has been taken into custody and is being questioned in connection with the murder. According to her husband, she is not in a sound mental state and is taking medicine.

According to sources, on Wednesday morning, her husband Saheb Ali left for work as usual. With no one around to see her daughter Arefa, Manowara slit her daughter’s throat in the bedroom around noon.

Ali, a resident of Mohanpur, works as a daily wage laborer in another state. However, since the lockdown came into force, he is working in Malda.

Sources said that his first wife had died a few years back. He has two children from his first marriage to Begum Bibi – a son and a daughter. After her death, she married Manovara, a resident of Kumedpur. She gave birth to a daughter three years ago and they named her Arefa Khatoon.

Her husband claimed that there was no domestic problem. “She once jumped into the pond with her daughter. Fortunately, some villagers noticed this and pulled them out of the water. She is not mentally sound and has been taking medicine for some time,” he told local media.
The police, however, said that they have started investigation into the incident.


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