More than 100 celebrities criticize Israel’s terror designation of Palestinian rights groups

More than 100 celebrities signed an open letter criticizing Israel for labeling six Palestinian human rights groups as “terrorist organizations” last month, according to Wednesday’s report.

Hollywood stars Richard Gere, Claire Foy, Tilda Swinton, and Susan Sarandon; Director Ken Loach, composer Jarvis Cocker, the band Massive Attack, and writers Philip Pullman, Colm Tobin and Irwin Welsh were among the high-profile signers. sky News informed of.

NS joint letter Anti-Zionism was organized by the Jewish Voice for Peace group.

It described the recent move as “an unprecedented and blanket attack on Palestinian human rights defenders”, warning that it “endangers not only the organizations themselves, but the entire Palestinian civil society and the thousands of Palestinians they live in.” day service.”

In October, Israel designated six Palestinian civil society organizations as terrorist groups, saying they were tied to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a secular, left-wing political movement with an armed wing that campaigned against Israelis. Deadly attacks. Israel and Western countries consider the PFLP a terrorist organization.

But Israel has yet to take further action against groups operating openly in the West Bank.

Six groups, some of which have close ties to rights groups in Israel and abroad, deny the allegations.

The designated groups are the Al-Haq Human Rights Group, the Admir Rights Group, Defense International-Palestine for Children, the Bisan Center for Research and Development, the Federation of Palestinian Women’s Societies, and the Federation of Agricultural Action Committees.

Palestinian PFLP supporters seen during a rally to mark the 52nd anniversary of its founding, in the West Bank city of Nablus on December 14, 2019. (Nasir Ishtayeh/Flash90)

many, including Israeli minister, expressed skepticism about the allegations.

The Defense Ministry has not yet provided public concrete evidence of allegations or direct links between these organizations and the PFLP.

A confidential Israeli dossier shown to officials details alleged links between the groups and the terrorist organization, less evidence involved And according to a report earlier this month, Europeans failed to persuade countries to stop funding the groups.

Agencies contributed to this report.

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