More nervous during second and third book than first: Chetan Bhagat to Kailashnath Adhikari

Noted author and columnist, Chetan Bhagat, who is launching his tenth novel, 400 Days on October 8, has said that he was most nervous during the launch of his 2.Ra and 3third He was an unknown entity when compared to his first book.

In a conversation with Governance Now MD Kailashnath Adhikari, during a webcast of the Visionary Talk series organized by the Public Policy and Governance Analysis Forum, Bhagat said that readers had high expectations from his later books, so they would feel nervous at the time of their release. . and lost sleep. Over the years he has worked on his nervousness and is now able to sleep.

I was most nervous during the release of “Meri 2”Raand 3third book. During my first book, I was not so nervous as I was an unknown person. I was excited but very nervous. by that time 2Ra and 3thirdThe books were out, there were hopes and panic had begun. I’ll lose my sleep a week before the launch. However, over the years I have tried to work on that. Although I am still nervous but now able to sleep before e-launch.

Bhagat said that he wrote his current book during the lockdown and was able to deliver tremendous focus, which was never there before. Speaking on what his new book is all about, Bhagat said that children today are using phones extensively and even for their education. Today every small child has a phone. “Any stranger in the world can now reach out to your child and we don’t have much control over the phone. Are people trying to reach out to our children? Are our children safe… 400 days bring this issue to the fore.”

He said that his book will expose readers to the world of children and cyber crimes involving children. “What is happening and what can happen to our children.. We do not pay attention to what is happening to our children.”

The best-selling novelist said that today people are seeing very cheap data and they have unlimited digital entertainment. And in today’s era if you’re trying to give people a book to read and want to put away their phone for a while, the book should have a lot to offer people can connect with. To make his book entertaining, he said that he has added suspense, adventure and a love story as well as other aspects.

When asked about her next project on celluloid, with several Bollywood films based on her novels, Bhagat said that now celluloid could be an OTT web series which is happening on a very large scale and people are not going to the cinema halls.

He added that it will take some time for the audience to go back to the cinema hall and get established with confidence. Since many people still don’t have the experience of watching OTT, even when life gets back to normal, the sheer value of watching OTT is Rs 50- 500 per month and YouTube and Instagram being available free of cost to people in cinema halls. You can pass the time without going in. He said that it is going to have an impact on cinema halls as people have tasted it and have stayed on it for 1.5 years.

“While some people will go back to theatres, some will not go as much because you have to spend a lot of money to watch OTT in cinema halls. So people can go to the cinema hall every two months, which is 50% less. With Covid affecting the shoots, including shooting for OTT, he expressed hope for the situation to improve in a year.

When asked about debuting in OTT, the novelist said that he did not rule it out after the release of his book

Responding to his thoughts on social media from a writer’s point of view, Bhagat said that during the lockdown he was not able to travel for his Prerna talks and took to YouTube for his lectures.

“It is a powerful medium. It has had an impact on the politics of the entire state.” I knew this was new literature. We all have to learn to adapt to it. This is a new reality,” he said.

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