Monsoon Skin Care Tips: Follow these tips to get spotless and glowing skin in the rainy season

Skin care tips in monsoon: The rainy season has its own fun. The raindrops are enchanting, as well as the food served makes the heart happy. We all know that the humidity in the atmosphere increases during the rainy season. Excessive moisture sometimes causes significant damage to the skin and hair. This beauty problem is seen more in people with oily skin. Due to sweat and moisture, dirt accumulates on the face and scalp. It also causes pimples and blemishes. If you are also facing these problems during the rainy season, then follow this skincare routine-

cleans the skin properly

To make your skin clean and glowing during the rainy season, it is necessary to do a cleansing twice a day. If you want your skin to glow, then after waking up in the morning and before sleeping at night, clean your skin thoroughly. For this you can use any face wash according to your skin tone. Neem, green tea or tea tree face wash is considered best for oily skin.

use water daily

Due to the high humidity in the environment, you should avoid using heavy face creams. You can include the use of fresh toning rose water or flower water in your skincare routine. The use of rose water also helps in getting rid of skin irritation that occurs during the rainy season.

keep skin dry

Due to excessive moisture in the rainy season, the skin starts sweating again and again. This sometimes causes pimples. In such a situation it is very important to keep the skin dry. For this, you can use dusting powder according to your skin tone. Along with removing the problem of sweating, it also keeps moisture away.

Use the right facial oil

Using the right moisturizer or skin oil during the rainy season makes the skin healthy and glowing. You can use rosehip, jojoba and hemp seed oil on your skin. It removes acne and makes your skin glow. Keep in mind that facial oil should always be light.

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