Monsoon session of Parliament: 2 bills passed in Rajya Sabha within 40 minutes, proceedings of both houses adjourned till Thursday due to uproar

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The third week of the monsoon session of Parliament has also been quite uproar so far. The opposition is constantly attacking the central government regarding the Pegasus espionage scandal and the new agricultural law. On Wednesday also the ruckus continued in both the houses over the espionage scandal. Due to the uproar and sloganeering by the opposition, the proceedings of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha were adjourned till 11 am on Thursday.

The Limited Liberty Partnership (Amendment) Bill, 2021 and the Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Bill, 2021 were passed within 40 minutes in the Rajya Sabha amid uproar by the opposition. Earlier, the Airports Economic Regulatory Authority (Amendment) Bill, 2021 was also passed in this house. At the same time, the Coconut Development Board (Amendment) Bill, 2021 was passed in the Lok Sabha.

6 Rajya Sabha MPs of TMC suspended for the day
Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu suspended 6 Trinamool Congress (TMC) MPs for the day today. These include Dola Sen, Nadeemul Haque, Arpita Ghosh, Mausam Noor, Shanta Chhetri and Abir Ranjan Biswas. This action was taken for showing placards and creating ruckus in the House.

Joint statement of 18 leaders of 14 opposition parties
18 leaders of 14 opposition parties issued a joint statement on Wednesday. Through this, a demand was made to discuss the Pegasus espionage scandal and agricultural laws in Parliament. It said that the government is responsible for the impasse in Parliament, the government is trying to mislead the opposition by accusing it. The entire opposition is united and wants an answer from the Home Minister on the Pegasus issue in both the houses of Parliament, as it is a national security issue.

War of words between Congress and SAD outside Parliament
There was a verbal war outside Parliament between the Congress and the Shiromani Akali Dal over the agriculture law. Congress MP Ravneet Singh Bittu said that at the time when the government was passing the Agriculture Act in Parliament, the SAD was with the government. None of its leaders objected to the central government’s bill. When the bill was passed in the Parliament, the leaders of Shiromani Akali Dal resigned after going home to become friendly to the farmers. These people do drama every day, while the bill was passed while in the cabinet of these people.

On this, Union Minister Harsimrat Kaur Badal said that when the bill was being passed in the Parliament, why did the Congress walk out at the time of the bill? Where was Rahul Gandhi when the bill was being passed in Parliament? Why did he not come to the Parliament as the voice of the farmers at that time? Why did Rahul and Sonia Gandhi not speak in Parliament against the bill.

Adjournment motions sent to discuss Pegasus
Congress MP Manish Tewari and Manickam Tagore sent adjournment motion for discussion in Lok Sabha on Pegasus. TMC MP Sudip Bandyopadhyay also gave an adjournment motion on the same issue. At the same time, Congress MP Deepender Singh Hooda gave Suspension of Business Notice in Rajya Sabha under Rule 267 for discussion on three agricultural laws of the Central Government.

Don’t make Parliament a fish market: Mukhtar Abbas Naqvik
Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi hit back at TMC MP Derek O’Brien’s statement on chaat papdi. Naqvi said that if he is allergic to chaat-papri, he can eat fish curry but don’t make Parliament a fish market. Unfortunately, the manner in which the conspiracy to tarnish the dignity of Parliament is being worked out has never been seen before.

Two bills passed in Parliament on Tuesday
The Essential Defense Services Bill, 2021 was passed in the Lok Sabha on Tuesday. It allows the central government to prohibit strikes, lockouts and layoffs in units engaged in essential defense services. At the same time, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman introduced the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code (Amendment) Bill-2021 in the Rajya Sabha and it was also passed.

In the last two weeks, only 18 hours of work was done in Parliament
The monsoon session of Parliament began on 19 July. In the last two weeks, both the houses together could work for 18 hours, which should have been 107 hours. The Lok Sabha worked for 7 hours and the Rajya Sabha for 11 hours. According to the report, taxpayers have suffered a loss of more than Rs 133 crore due to non-functioning.

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