Modi’s Masterstroke! CAA Implemented Ahead Of Lok Sabha Polls

A big announcement regarding the implementation of CAA was scheduled to be made on Monday night at 8 but the implementation happened a little before and without any major announcement by any of the dignitaries of the BJP.

Now, from today i.e. March 11, 2024, onwards, CAA has been implemented in the entire India. This announcement comes ahead of the Lok Sabha elections and is being analyzed as the masterstroke of the Narendra Modi government.

The BJP government, which is considered to be the saffron brigade, started this session of Lok Sabha in 2019 by abrogating Article 370 to unify Kashmir with the rest of India after scraping its special status. Now, before the code of conduct for the Lok Sabha elections gets implemented, the government has brilliantly played its role to grab votes by implementing the CAA.

What are the major changes that will take place after its implementation? Firstly, it will open a pathway to provide citizenship to all the refugees of neighbouring countries like Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Bangladesh who belong to the persecuted minority classes of the respective nations and have arrived in India by 2014.

These minorities include Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Buddhists, Jains and Parsis. Muslims have not been included because, in all the neighbouring countries mentioned in the act, they live as the majority of the population.

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The CAA comes into action after the bill was passed in both houses in 2019. Post-implementation of the act, extra security has been deployed in the highly sensitive areas of Delhi including the north-east region and Shaheen Bagh.