Modi’s announcement on one year of new education policy: With Vidya Pravesh, the concept of play school will reach the villages, engineering can be studied in 11 languages

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  • Narendra Modi | PM Narendra Modi addressing teachers and students on New Education Policy

New Delhi40 minutes ago

The new National Education Policy completed one year on Thursday. On this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke directly to the people, teachers and students related to the education sector. During this, he made two big announcements. First, children will also get the facility of play school in villages. So far this concept is limited to cities. Second, a tool has been developed for translation of engineering courses into 11 Indian languages. This will make it easier for the students of these languages ​​to study.

The Prime Minister conveyed his best wishes to all the countrymen and students on the completion of one year of the new National Education Policy. He said that in the last one year, all of you people, teachers, principals and policy makers have worked hard in bringing the National Education Policy on the ground. Even in this period of Corona, education policy is being implemented by forming a task force, taking suggestions from lakhs of citizens, teachers, states.

Highlights of Modi’s speech…

1. Vidya Pravesh Program Launched, Play Schools Will Reach Villages
Vidya Pravesh Program has been launched today. Till now the concept of play school is limited to big cities. It will go from village to village through Vidya Pravesh. This program will be implemented as a universal program in the coming times and the states will also implement it according to the need. Rich or poor, in any part of the country, his studies will be easier while playing and laughing. If you start with a smile, then the road to success will be completed easily.

A tool has been developed for translation of engineering courses into 11 Indian languages. Also I am happy that 14 engineering colleges in 8 states are going to start engineering studies in 5 Indian languages ​​Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi and Bangla.

2. New Schemes Will Play An Important Role For New India
In a year, many big decisions have been taken on the basis of education policy. In this episode, I have got the good fortune of starting new schemes. This momentous occasion has come at a time when the country is celebrating 75 years of independence. We are going to enter the 75th year of independence on 15th August. In a way, the implementation of this new national education policy has become an important part of the great festival of independence. New schemes will play an important role for New India.

How far we will go, how high we will go, it will depend on what kind of education we are giving to our youth at present, what direction we are giving, that is why I believe that India’s new education policy is a big sacrifice of nation building. One of the factors. It has been modernized and kept future ready.

3. Changed the method of education, students also adopted it
If we ask about the dreams and hopes of the youth present with us, then newness and new energy will be seen in their mind. The youth is all set for change, he doesn’t want to wait. How did our education system face such a big challenge during the Corona period. The method of teaching has changed, but the students have rapidly adapted to this change.

Online education has become an easy trend now. The Ministry of Education has also made efforts for this. The ministry launched the initiation platform, Swayam Portal. Students from all over the country became a part of them. Having more than 2300 crore hits in the last one year shows how fruitful this effort has been. Even today it is getting 5 crore hits every day.

4. The youth of the 21st century need freedom from old shackles
Today’s youth of the 21st century wants to make their own systems and the world according to them. He needs exposure. He needs freedom from old bonds and cages. How are the youth coming out of small villages and towns doing wonders today. Youth coming from these remote areas are raising the flag of the country in Tokyo Olympics today. Giving a new identity to India. Crores of youth are doing extraordinary work in different fields.

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan also attended the program through video conferencing.

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan also attended the program through video conferencing.

5. In the coming time, there will be freedom from the fear of examination
In the new system, the compulsion to stick to one class and one subject has been abolished. The youth can choose and leave a stream at any time of his/her interest, convenience. While selecting the course, there will be no fear that what will happen if the decision goes wrong. In the coming time, you will also get freedom from the fear of examination. If this fear comes out, then the era of new innovation will start and the possibilities will be limitless.

6. Youth have to think a step ahead
It was believed that for good studies one has to go abroad, but we are going to see that students from abroad come to India. Such arrangements have been made in more than 150 universities of the country. Guidelines have been issued for the Higher Education Institute to move ahead in research at the international level. To realize the possibilities being created today, our youth will have to move one step ahead of the world, think one step ahead.

The path to self-reliant India goes through skill development and technology. Hundreds of courses related to skill development were approved in more than 1200 higher education institutions in a year. Bapu used to say that national education should be reflected in the national conditions in order to be truly national. Now medium of instruction local language will also be an option in higher education.

7. Indian Sign Language given subject status
There are more than 3 lakh children who need sign languages. Understanding this, Indian Sign Language has been given the status of a subject. Students will also be able to read it as a language. Our disabled companions will get help. You also know that any student gets inspiration from the teacher throughout his studies. What cannot be obtained from the Guru, cannot be attained anywhere. It is called here with us. There is nothing that will be rare after getting a good teacher.

8. Teachers will get training according to modern needs
Nishtha 2.0 launched today will also play an important role in this direction. The teachers of the country will get training according to the modern needs. I would like to ask the teachers to participate actively in these efforts.

New education policy completes one year
It was approved by the cabinet on 29 July 2020. On this occasion, Prime Minister Narendra Modi started Vidya Pravesh Project for children in this program being done through video conferencing. This is a play-based school education module. This is a 3-month course for Grade-I students. Simultaneously, the Nishtha 2.0 program was launched. This is a program designed by NCERT, which is designed for the training of teachers.

6% of GDP will be spent on education
Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan was also present during this. Many issues like equality, quality have been addressed in the education policy released last year. The government has set a target of spending 6% of the GDP on the new education policy with the cooperation of the Center and the state.

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