Mobile cumin is made by mixing mobile with rat droppings, heard it confiscated in Kolkata

Last August, Enforcement Branch (EB) officials seized a small amount of black money from North Kolkata’s Jorbagan area. Those samples are sent for testing. Meanwhile, the officials were stunned to see the result of the examination. After that, the Enforcement Branch launched a vigorous investigation. Then on Friday, the Kolkata Police seized about 12 tonnes of adulterated black cumin. Investigators claim that this black cumin was also made by mixing mobile in rat droppings. EB seized a huge quantity of adulterated black cumin in truck raids. 222 sacks were laden with this adulterated black colour. Investigators claim that one sack contained at least 50 kg of such sticks.

Police said that one person has been arrested in the incident. It has been traced to which dealer this adulterated black cumin was going. Further investigation is being done. Another police officer said that the mobile phone was made by mixing the mobile with rat feces in this adulterated black colour. There was something similar in the sample that was found earlier from Jorbagan. Similar adulterated black cumin is in today’s sack. For the last few days, the police is getting news that trucks laden with such adulterated blacks are entering the city from the district. After this the police became more alert.
