Missile or meteorite? Different claims of scientist and army: This shining thing came out from the cities of Rajasthan and Punjab

Bikaner12 hours earlierWriter: Anurag Harsh

The fireball that appeared in a part of western Rajasthan still remains a mystery. The mystery is whether it was a missile or a meteor shower that occurred as part of a celestial event. Scientists and the army are giving two arguments about this.
Daily newspaper investigated this incident. The ball of fire shining in the sky was visible till Pakistan. At the same time, the light of this fire which passed through Rajasthan was seen till Punjab.

Scientists are not ready to accept it as an astronomical phenomenon. He says it can be part of army practice. At the same time, the army officials are telling this claim of scientists wrong. They say that it was a meteor shower. It was definitely claimed by the army that a ball of fire was seen in the sky till Pakistan.

Read the different claims of scientist and army…

ISRO scientist gave two reasons why this meteorite is not there
Narendra Bhandari, a space scientist associated with ISRO, says that these cannot be meteorites. There are two big reasons for this.
first: It is going from bottom to top. Meteor bodies only come from top to bottom.
another: In this the front part is breaking apart. This does not happen in meteorites. It reaches straight down like a ball of fire and a rock at a high speed.
Dr. Bhandari told that it could be a missile. May be part of any military exercise. Apart from this, sometimes the pieces of satellite running in space also enter the earth. When these pieces also come towards the earth, then due to gravitational friction, they catch fire. Few months back such pieces have been found in Maharashtra.

Army not ready to accept ISRO’s claim
In this matter, the Bhaskar reporter spoke to the army’s spokesperson Colonel Amitabh Sharma. Sharma told that no such practice has been done by the army that such a scene should be created in the sky. This is a meteor shower i.e. a shower of meteors, which looks like this when it falls on the earth.

BSF also said meteorite is
BSF is also denying any such exercise. Official spokespersons associated with BSF say that if the army conducts any exercise, then the BSF is informed about it. We have no such information. This is not part of the exercise. BSF’s Bikaner range’s Inspector General Pushpendra Singh is also calling it a meteorite. He says that there was no exercise from the army side.

This light was seen in the Pakistan border adjacent to Rajasthan
Official sources of BSF said that this scene has been visible not only till Bikaner, Suratgarh and Sriganganagar but up to Punjab. It is at a very high altitude, so in both Rajasthan and Punjab, it seems as if it is going only over their city. In reality it is not so.

Security agencies also inquired about this matter in Pakistan. It is being told that there too light appeared in the sky in the same way. Explosion was also heard. It is being confirmed that there is no exercise from both the sides.

Meteor body fell in Nagaur
Earlier, ISRO had conducted studies in Dhawa, Jaroda Kalan, Merta Road, Lai, Merta City, Kheduli, Pandu Khan, Kalru, Jalsu Nanak, Sarsanda, Edwa, Sundari, Paliyas, Baggad and Jalwana villages of Nagaur. ISRO was informed about the remains of the meteorite falling in these villages.

Such incidents have already happened in Rajasthan
So far 21 meteorites have fallen in Rajasthan. , After 2000, 6 different types of meteorites were identified. They are given official names. Meteor bodies are named according to the place where they fell or were discovered. Among them, Etawah Bhopji (2000), Ararki (2001), Bhavad (2002), Kavarpura (2006), Mukundpura (2017), Sanchore (2020) have been named.

Live VIDEO of fireballs falling from the sky: The sound was heard with a loud bang in Rajasthan, there was light in the night

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