Minor girl raped by her brother and father; Her grandfather and uncle molested her: Pune Police | Pune News – Times of India

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Pune: A minor girl was raped separately by her teenage brother and her father while her grandfather and distant uncle molested her, the Pune Police said on Saturday.
Police have registered a case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) for rape and molestation, but have not arrested anyone yet, an official said.
While a case of rape under section 376 of the Indian Penal Code was registered against the girl’s brother and father (45) (45) at the Bundagarden police station in Pune city. He said that the uncle (around the age of 25) around 60 and a distant uncle was booked under section 354 (assault or criminal force with intent to outrage the modesty of woman).
The victim and her family members are residents of Bihar. He is currently living in Pune.
Police Inspector (Crime) Ashwini Satpute said, “The incident came to light when the girl opened her school during the ‘good touch and bad touch’ session. Her examination was going on for the last five years.”
Satpute cited the complaint to say that the father started sexually harassing his daughter in 2017 when she was living in Bihar.
The police inspector said, “The girl’s elder brother started sexually abusing her around November 2020. Her grandfather and distant uncle used to touch her inappropriately.”
Satpute said that since all the incidents happened separately and the accused were not aware of each other’s movements, it was not a case of gang rape.
Sections of the Protection of Children from Sexual Offenses (POCSO) Act will be added.

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