Mini lockdown in Maharashtra from today: Night curfew from 11 pm to 5 am, Section 144 even during the day; School-college closed till February 15

Mumbai18 minutes ago

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In Maharashtra, the active cases have crossed 2 lakhs, although less than 20 thousand active cases have been registered in Mumbai after 3 days.  - Dainik Bhaskar

In Maharashtra, the active cases have crossed 2 lakhs, although less than 20 thousand active cases have been registered in Mumbai after 3 days.

The third wave of corona infection has become formidable in Maharashtra. During the last 24 hours, 44, 388 new cases have been reported in the state. During this, 12 people have also died. To prevent infection, new restrictions are going to be imposed across Maharashtra from tonight. It is being called mini lockdown. According to the new guidelines, there will be night curfew in Maharashtra from 11 pm to 5 am.

Section 144 will remain in force from 5 am to 11 pm. That is, in a day, five or more people cannot gather at one place. Schools and colleges have been closed from today till February 15 due to the new restrictions. However, school offices are allowed to remain open. There will be a ban on leaving the house without work.

Due to increasing cases of corona in Maharashtra, the number of patients in hospitals has also started increasing.

Due to increasing cases of corona in Maharashtra, the number of patients in hospitals has also started increasing.

These will be new restrictions in Maharashtra from today

  • Grounds, Gardens, Tourist Places, Swimming Pools, Spas, Gyms, Wellness Centers have been completely closed till further orders.
  • Hair cutting salons will operate at 50 percent capacity.
  • Forts, museums, entertainment parks will also remain closed till further orders.
  • Guidelines were issued on Saturday to keep the gym and beauty parlor completely closed, which has now been changed. According to the revised guidelines, gyms and beauty parlors have been allowed to start with 50 percent capacity.
  • Movement of people will not be allowed from 11 pm to 5 am except in essential services.
  • Schools and colleges will remain closed till February 15 except for essential activities for class 10th and 12th students and administrative activities of teachers.
  • No one will be allowed to enter government offices without the written permission of the Heads of Offices.
  • The maximum limit of people in marriages and social, religious, cultural or political functions has been fixed at 50.
  • Not more than 20 people will be able to attend the funeral.

Corona is also hitting the policemen
Amidst the fast pace of Corona in Maharashtra, now it has started hitting the policemen guarding Mumbai for 24 hours. Here 114 policemen have been infected in the last 48 hours. During this, two policemen have also died. There are currently 523 active patients in Mumbai Police regarding this. According to the latest figures of Mumbai Police, 18 IPS officers have also turned corona positive during the third wave. The infected IPS officers include 1 Joint Commissioner, 4 Additional Commissioners and 13 DCPs.

The infection is also increasing among the Maharashtra Police personnel who are constantly on Corona duty.

The infection is also increasing among the Maharashtra Police personnel who are constantly on Corona duty.

less than 20 thousand cases came in mumbai after 3 days
After receiving more than 20 thousand cases for three consecutive days, Mumbai got a slight relief on Sunday. During the last 24 hours, 19,474 cases have been reported in Mumbai. While 8,063 people have been cured. During this 7 people have died. Active cases in Mumbai have increased to 1 lakh 17 thousand 434.

Corona’s speed increased in the last five days in Mumbai

date Case testing

January 5

15,166 60,014
6 January 20,181 67,487
7 January 20, 971 72,442
January 8 20,318 71,019
9 January 19,474 68,249

Active cases in Maharashtra cross 2 lakhs
Active cases in Maharashtra have increased to 2,02,259. So far, 1,41,639 people have lost their lives due to the epidemic. At the same time, 1216 cases of Omicron have been reported in the state so far. In the last 24 hours, 15,351 people have recovered and gone home.

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