Actress Avika Gor, who made a household name by playing the character of young Anandi in the hit TV show Balika Vadhu, turns 24 today. An old video of the actress from that time has surfaced on social media. She appeared in ‘On the Couch with Cuckoo’ where she talked about what she did with the money she earned from the show. Avika told Koel Puri, “My father told me that it is kept in an insurance fund. And you know what, I have Rs 5222 in my piggy bank.”
Along with fans and friends from the TV industry, the actress’ boyfriend Milind Chandwani also took to Instagram to share a special post for her on her birthday. He wrote, Hey beautiful, I don’t know how I got so lucky, with this wonderful human being. I wish the world could see all kinds of qualities you have. You make sure everyone around you is happy all the time, and that is beautiful. You treat everyone with the utmost respect and kindness, even if the person has hurt you repeatedly. You are so passionate about your work. I could list a thousand more things but all I want to say is “I don’t believe in intimacy, but…. Teri Nazar Ne Dil Pe Kiya Jo Asr…” You know how upset this trend is for me. Still, I’ll admit it for you. I’ll always have your back because I know you’ve got mine.”
He continued, “Before I met you, I was Milind Chandwani, the social worker or person who was invited as the “Real Hero” on Roadies Real Heroes. Now, I am often referred to by your name (Avika Gor’s boyfriend). Recognized. And most people would think it might bother me, but I think it’s very proud. I’m proud of you and proud to be with you. So, frankly, I’m happy That you were born! Wishing you a very happy birthday once again, my love. @avikagor.”
Last year, Avika had expressed her love for MTV Roadies contestant Milind.
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