Microsoft rolls out first Windows 11 update a week after launch – Times of India

Microsoft The first update has been released after the official launch of windows 11 operating system last week. Usually the company releases updates for all its products on the second Tuesday of every month and this includes windows 11 too. It’s been a month since the OS received the proper updates since Windows 11 build 22000.194 was released to beta users and later this release came in the preview channel.
This is the first update that production, beta and release preview users of Windows 11 have received at the same time. The KB5006674 update brings the OS build number to 22000.258. To check if you have received the update, go to Settings > . go to Windows Repair. If you want to install the update manually, you can download it from the Microsoft Update Catalog.
The bug fixes mentioned in the update are relatively minor and it is expected that there are some other improvements which are not mentioned in the change log.
Addresses known compatibility issues between some Intel “Killer” and “SmartByte” networking software and Windows 11 (original release). Devices with affected software may drop User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets under certain conditions. This is UDP For example, some websites may load slower on the affected device than others, which may cause videos to stream slower in some resolutions. Over UDP based VPN solutions can also be slow.” read the windows 11 update Change log.
Windows 11 users have reported several bugs since the official launch and some of them were discovered only during the testing phase. It is not yet clear whether the update fixes bugs other than the change log. The new OS is built on the same foundation as Windows 10 and is designed to work on both touchscreen and non-touchscreen devices. The OS adds a fresh look and more apps to your devices.
