Microsoft Edge allows users to edit images on the browser itself before saving them

Last Update: 11 July 2022 at 3:46 pm IST

Microsoft Edge will now allow you to edit images before downloading them.

Microsoft Edge will now allow you to edit images before downloading them.

Based on the tool’s screenshots, the image editor supports cropping, adjustment, filters and marking.

Tech giant Microsoft’s Edge Canary includes a new feature that lets you edit images before saving them, which is available as part of a controlled rollout.

At the moment, when you right-click on an image, you have the option to save it. It’s fine, but limited, to capture the exact image you see on the screen, reports Windows Central.

Based on the tool’s screenshots, the image editor supports cropping, adjustment, filters and marking. The Adjustment feature supports a variety of filters and effects, such as making a photo more dynamic or vivid.

None of these features are awesome, the report says, but it’s nice to have them built directly into a browser.

The web is fast becoming the primary source of content for people to view. That said, being able to save any image from the web while having the option to crop, adjust the photo, or take notes is a nice addition.

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