Mercedes: Mercedes-Benz shows the car you can order with just the thought – Times of India

How would you like your car to be able to understand the command you’re about to give it and execute it without pressing any buttons or options on the touchscreen? A car that can really grasp your thoughts and know what you want it to do? mercedes benz Been thinking along the same lines for some time now and have a . There is also a new version of concept car According to a report by Mashable India, they first unveiled at CES 2020 Ready. this is avtr mink concept car and IAA Mobility 2021 The company showed its new version during the show in Munich, Germany.
The car was reportedly a BCI (brain-computer-interface) device that you have to wear while inside the car. think of the professor Charles Xavier, the mentor and leader of the X-Men Marvel Universe, using Brain to locate people. While the BCI device here isn’t as complicated as the one worn by Professor X and is much less elaborate, it certainly comes with electrodes that are attached to the back of your head for the method to work. The report said that the BCI headgear would first require some calibration, after which it would record and measure brain activity.

The digital dashboard of the car will have points of light, each perhaps associated with different functions or tasks that can be assigned to the car and the technology will work when you focus your mind on a particular point of light, which is then called BCI will be felt by unit and issued appropriate orders. Here is a look at the old version of the car.

Vision AVTR Master is inspired not by fictional telepath Professor Xavier, but by characters from James Cameron. Avatar, which can ‘talk’ to other species at their homeland by establishing powerful neural connections.
Some other special features of the concept car are that it has no steering wheel and the earlier version can be guided by placing one hand on a touch-sensitive surface that acts as a controller, with a “bionic flap” on its back. and its wheels allow the car with wooden sprite-themed tires that can go sideways without turning the car, to name a few.


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