Menopause: How Yoga Can Help Reduce Mood Swings, Night Sweats

Last Update: February 26, 2023, 08:59 IST

Yoga also blocks the increase in cortisol- the primary stress hormone.  This suggests that yoga has positive hormonal stress related effects on menopausal women.  (Image: shutterstock)

Yoga also blocks the increase in cortisol- the primary stress hormone. This suggests that yoga has positive hormonal stress related effects on menopausal women. (Image: shutterstock)

Yoga can help with the symptoms of menopause in many ways and should be included in your daily lifestyle

As women approach the age of 50, they experience a major life transition in the form of menopause. This irreversible biological process marks the end of ovarian function. About three-quarters of all women go through a range of menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, pain, decreased libido, and mood changes. These symptoms can last for many years after menopause and can have a profound effect on their overall well-being.

Relief from physical symptoms: Specific yoga postures (or asanas) are associated with deep and slow breathing patterns. They aid in flexibility and balance, reducing oxygen consumption while also stabilizing blood pressure and heart rate. Thus, yoga can help relieve the symptoms of physical menopause.

Sleep quality: A 2022 study published in the journal Health and Nursing found that yoga may help reduce symptoms of menopause, especially those associated with poor sleep. In perimenopausal and postmenopausal women, yoga significantly improved sleep quality.

Mental Fitness: A study on hatha yoga and its effects on menopausal symptoms showed that just 12 weeks of regular practice reduced symptoms of stress and depression. Yoga also blocks the increase in cortisol- the primary stress hormone. This suggests that yoga has positive hormonal stress related effects on menopausal women.

Immunity Benefits of Pranayama: Pranayama, or controlled breathing exercises, help develop a steady mind, strong will power, and sound judgment. It also improves the body’s defense mechanism and influences positive thinking.

Reducing night flashes: A 2021 study on Simplified Kundalini Yoga (SKY) found that this form of yoga significantly improved menopause-specific quality of life. It not only reduces psychosocial and physical symptoms, but also reduces hot flashes. Antioxidant enzymes, which help rid the body of toxins, were found to be significantly elevated after one year of regular sky exercise.

The ancient practice of yoga offers a holistic approach to wellness and is known to reduce stress levels, increase flexibility, and enhance overall health.

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