Mehbooba writes to PM Modi, criticizes harassment of students for cheering Pakistani cricket team

The People’s Democratic Party chief expressed regret over the government’s response to book youths under anti-terrorism laws like the UAPA for cheering for Pakistan in Sunday’s T20 game.

She expressed regret that the people of Kashmir were booked under the UAPA for “choosing only the winning side to please” the youths under the UAPA due to the constant lockdown, internet gags and restrictions of movement.

“Our talented youth studying in professional courses like MBBS have been targeted and slapped with anti-terror laws,” he said in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Mehbooba tweeted the letter along with social media sites and media.

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“While youth within Kashmir are no strangers to the state’s excesses, in Agra also three students have been arrested and charged with sedition for the same reasons. This is despite the college’s own admission that he did not indulge in any such activity which could be considered anti-national,” she said.

Referring to the all-party meeting with the PM in Delhi, he said it was long ago when you chaired an all-party meeting in Delhi, where you called for the removal of the “heart away” between Delhi and Jammu and Kashmir. intention was expressed.

“As PDP President I suggested certain confidence-building measures that provided relief and breathing space to the people of J&K. We await the rollout of a policy to address the heart and mind of the people, especially of the youth.”

Instead, she said, “the series of raids, arrests, killings continues unabated, the level of repression and state intolerance reaching a new low.”

On the recent visit of Union Home Minister Amit Shah, he said that there were hopes that his visit to Jammu and Kashmir would lead to a meaningful outreach. Especially after his statement about engaging with the youth here. What happened instead was “shocking” and “worrisome”.

Read | Families of Kashmiri students arrested in UP for ‘cheering Pakistan’s cricket victory over India’ ask the government to forgive them

The former Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir said that the spirit of patriotism and loyalty should be inculcated with compassion and cannot be coerced with sticks or barrels of guns. Such punitive action full of contempt will further increase the sense of mistrust and alienation among the younger generation and the rest of the country.

“Political parties and their fortunes will fluctuate over time. But what matters the most is the future generation who will have to carry the burden of the past yet strive to fulfill the hopes of a better tomorrow. Especially when it comes to a state like Jammu and Kashmir, which is steeped in a history of repeated betrayals and past wounds,” he said.

He said that it makes sense for this government to associate with them, understand their aspirations and goals.

“I request you (Prime Minister) to intervene so that the future of these young bright minds is not destroyed,” she wrote in the letter.

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