Mehbooba says Modi govt blundered on Kashmir, will have to talk to Pakistan – Kashmir Reader

Also calls for immediate release of arrested journalists

Srinagar: Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) chief Mehbooba Mufti on Sunday said that the abrogation of Article 370 has further complicated the Kashmir issue and the BJP-led government in New Delhi will have no alternative other than to talk to Pakistan for the resolution of the Kashmir issue.
“The abrogation of the special status of JK has further complicated the Kashmir issue,” she told reporters during a press conference held at her Fair View residence here.
“When Atal Bihari Vajapyee had no option other than to talk to Pakistan, the BJP led by Narendra Modi, too, will have to follow suit. There is no alternative to dialogue with Pakistan for resolving all issues, including the political issue of Kashmir,” she said.
“One of the perceptions created after the abrogation, that the Kashmir issue was over, is far from the reality,” she said. “Instead, its fallout has been that at international level India is now isolated.”
She added that India has been converted into a Hindutva laboratory for experiments, with issues being manufactured one after the other. “There is the Hijab issue at present,” she said, calling it an election stunt ahead of UP polls. “This won’t stop here and will continue. They will identify more things attached to Muslims and make issues out of them,” she said.
“The situation on the ground tells us that the Kashmir situation is worse than ever,” she said, citing the targeting of common people, including journalists.
“Journalism is seen as a crime and truth is being throttled. Many journalists including Sajad Gul, Fahad Shah are behind bars. Many have fled Kashmir after being named in FIRs. How can things work and truth prevail in such conditions?” she asked.
Mehobooba urged international and national bodies to raise voice for the immediate release of journalists arrested in Kashmir.
On the delimitation panel’s second draft report, she said that the commission has only pleased the BJP by advocating what fits its politics, pitching one community against another in JK. “But People’s Alliance for Gupkar Declaration (PAGD) will fight it tooth and nail,” she asserted.
She also alleged that efforts were being made to break the PAGD, but such efforts won’t be successful.