Meat map of India: 7 out of 10 people consume non-vegetarian items, East and South leading

Sample these: Roadside stalls in Ahmedabad may no longer sell non-vegetarian food; Two other major cities of Gujarat Vadodara and Rajkot has directed vendors to cover non-vegetarian items; Meat shops are not allowed to open in Gurugram on certain days; And a municipal corporation in Delhi does not want non-vegetarian items to be displayed prominently.

These are just a few examples of several attempts to regulate the food patterns of Indians. And this continues despite several reports stating that more than 70 percent of Indians consume items such as fish, meat or eggs.

Furthermore, despite known nutritional values, nearly a dozen states do not allow eggs to be part of the mid-day meal in schools. An India Today Data Intelligence Unit (DIU) analysis indicates that states with low non-vegetarian populations are the most reluctant to add eggs to the menu.

Read | Ban on meat display: A brief history of the thrust against non-vegetarian food in Gujarat

The decision to include eggs in the diet of children has been a matter of debate in the country recently. While the Madhya Pradesh government removed the egg from the diet, Karnataka included it.

Indian love for meat

The debate on vegetarianism in India never gets old. National Family Health Survey 4 data ( shows that 70 percent of women and 78 percent of men in the country consume meat in some form or the other.

Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Odisha and Jharkhand are the states where the proportion of non-vegetarian people is more than 97 percent. In contrast, Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat and Rajasthan have the lowest non-vegetarian populations (less than 40 percent). government data show,

Meat consumption in India has increased with increase in income, as has happened elsewhere. India consumed six million tonnes of meat in 2020, according to OECD, About half of the population in India consumes non-vegetarian food once a week.

Incidentally, there are only nine states, including West Bengal and Kerala, where there is no restriction on the consumption of meat. Most other states have some sort of restriction based on the type of meat.

Bharat Meat House

India accounts for 2.18 per cent of global meat production and ranks sixth behind China, the United States, Brazil, Russia and Germany. Ministry of Food Processing Industries,

Meat production in India grew at the rate of 5.15 percent from 2014-15 to 2019-20, according to Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying,

Buffaloes account for about 30 percent of India’s total meat production. Among the states, Uttar Pradesh (15 percent), Maharashtra (13 percent) and West Bengal (10 percent) contribute the most to meat production in India. reserve Bank of India,

immunity from meat trade epidemic

While the Covid pandemic ravaged the economy, the meat industry was reportedly left idle.

“There is no adverse impact of COVID-19 on the export business of buffalo meat from India. It is on track and running smoothly without any disruption in the supply chain. Despite the effects of the pandemic, India has been able to achieve an export value of USD 3.17 billion in the year April 2020-March 2021, which is comparable to the level of the previous year. ministry of commerce and industry Said in July.

India is one of the largest exporters of buffalo meat in the world, with over 70 countries as export destinations. Seven of India’s top 10 buffalo meat exporters in 2018-19 were from Uttar Pradesh, two from Maharashtra and one from Delhi, Commerce and Industry Minister Piyush Goyal said in response For a question in the Lok Sabha in December 2019.

According to OECD data, meat consumption in India started declining from 2010 but picked up again after 2014. With the consumption of chicken and other poultry products increasing steadily, the consumption of buffalo meat regained the momentum it had lost only after 2014. India consumed six million tonnes of meat in 2020.

Read also | Gujarat CM said – there is no problem in eating non-veg