mcg: Cleanliness Drive Ramped Up ; 120 Challans Issued In 9 Days | Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: Ahead of the Swachh Survekshan 2022 survey, which is scheduled to be conducted in March, the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram ,MCG) has intensified its cleanliness drive and issued 120 challans in the first nine days of February. These challans have been issued for littering, use of plastic, non-segregation of waste and bulk waste generators (BWG) not following the Solid Waste Management Rules2016.
An enforcement team from the MCG issued these challans in zone-3 and zone-4 of the city under a special drive launched for these areas. Of the total 120 challans, 65 were for the use of plastic, 38 were for littering, nine were for open defecation, seven were for non-segregation of waste and one challan was issued to a BWG since the housing society had not installed a compost plant for wet waste processing.
“MCG has started a special campaign under which our enforcement teams are checking the violations of Solid Waste Management Rules, 2016, in zone-3 and zone-4. The teams are visiting the bulk waste generators in these zones and ensuring that they adhere to the norms. Exclusive floors in zone-3 were penalised since the society did not have a composting plant,” said MCG commissioner Mukesh Kumar Ahuja,
The enforcement teams visited 64 BWGs, including those in housing societies, condominiums and restaurants. They found that 51% of the BWGs that they visited generated less than 50 kg of waste every day. It was also found during the visit that 11 BWGs had installed compost plants to process wet waste.
In January, the MCG issued 643 challans for different violations under SWM Rules, 2016. The civic body, meanwhile, on Thursday started another cleanliness drive in the parks and roundabouts named after freedom fighters in the city.
