MCC: Mysuru City Police draw flak for ‘high-sendiness’ | Mysuru News – Times of India

Mysore: Action of Mysore The city police came in for criticism at the Mysuru City Corporation meeting (mcc) Council on Monday. Councilors accused the city’s police of acting in a high-handed manner when dealing with two groups of protesters, each of whom wanted to name the matriarchal circle for a symbol of their respective community.
The police were accused of insulting a woman councillor, who had gone to the protest site to establish peace with the agitators. “In Police Custody” Pallavi Begum, who rushed to the protest site after hearing about the demonstration, and wanted to pacify the participants of the movement. This is an insult to all the women councillors. The officers who were in charge should explain the actions of the police personnel who did so,” said a section of the aggrieved corporators.
MCC Commissioner G Laxmikanth ReddyResponding to these allegations, he said that Pallavi had visited the site of the dharna when the police was removing the idol installed at the junction. “The police personnel posted at the junction did not recognize the woman councilor and took her into custody. On coming to know about the incident, I informed the city police commissioner. I have also discussed the incident with the MCC officials, who were present at the site,” Reddy said.
Action against illegal hookah bars: Mayor
Meanwhile the mayor Sunanda Palanetra Instructed MCC officials to initiate action against illegal hookah bars operating in the city. He said that these illegal establishments are adversely affecting the development of the youth. Councilors said that due to closure of schools and colleges in the city due to the pandemic, many youths frequented these hookah bars. “Many of them are getting addicted to drugs. These establishments should be shut down immediately for the sake of our children,” the corporators demanded.
The mayor said that she would write to the police asking them to initiate action to shut down hookah bars operating without permission in the city of Mysore.
