Maternity Benefit Act: Experts recommend extending paternity leave, encouraging employers

maternity benefit act
Image Source : PTI/Representational

Maternity Benefit Act: Experts recommend extending paternity leave, encouraging employers


  • The purpose of the meeting was to review and analyze the law affecting women.
  • It also aimed to recommend amendments to meet any deficiencies, inadequacies and deficiencies.
  • Experts also discussed the issue of women working in the unorganized sector

Maternity Benefit Act: The NCW on Saturday said the recommendations made by experts in the final law review consultation on the Maternity Benefit Act include sensitizing the corporate sector to reduce the burden of raising children on mothers, encouraging employers and employing more women workers. extension of paternity leave for ,

The National Commission for Women (NCW) had conducted the final law review consultations on the amendments to the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 and 2017.

The objective of the meeting was to review and analyze the legislation affecting women and to recommend amendments to meet any deficiencies, inadequacies and deficiencies.

Some of the important suggestions made by the panelists were to increase the duration of paternity leave so that the burden of raising children is shared equally between the parents, to encourage employers and to employ more women workers. To sensitize the corporate sector.

The experts also discussed the issue of women working in the unorganized sector, provision of crche facility on a case-by-case basis instead of workforce strength and scope of incentives for employers, NCW said in a statement.

The Commission, through consultations, sought views, suggestions and opinions of experts and stakeholders from across the country.

It invited legal experts, lawyers and academicians to deliberate on the real challenges and technical issues faced by women, the statement said.

(Except the title, has not edited the copy)

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