Massive wildfire near Lake Tahoe slows as weather improves – Times of India

South Lake Tahoe: Better Season has slowed down the growth of giant california wildfire near Lake Tahoe resort communities, officials said on Friday.
The Caldor Fire was just a few miles from South Lake Tahoe City, which had been evacuated the day before with 22,000 residents, along with casinos and shops across the state line. NevadaBut there was no significant fire activity since Thursday, officials said.
Tim Ernst, head of an operations section, said fire officials were cautiously optimistic of the “hard work” by firefighters over the past two weeks.
The roughly 333-square-mile (862-square-kilometer) fire was not making any significant progress and challenging containment lines in long stretches of its perimeter, but Ernst said that with some areas “the risk is still high”. out too” Hot.
resident on the western and northern sides of Fire Permission was granted to return home as of Friday afternoon, but fire officials said they did not have a specific timeline for resettling South Lake Tahoe. Utility companies must ensure power is restored, firefighters must remove dangerous trees and other hazards to power lines, and roadways must be cleared of debris.
Another operations section chief, Jake Cagle, said fire and law enforcement officials are meeting several times a day to evaluate the issue as to when to take evacuation orders.
“It’s all based on fire behavior. Things are looking good at the moment. On that team, we’re getting closer,” he said.
The fire was moved northeast by southwesterly winds en route to South Lake Tahoe, but that pattern ended this week. Calder winds and increased humidity on Thursday and Friday helped crews increase fire control by 29 percent.
“Very positive trend with respect to the weather. It’s huge for us. Let’s make the most of it while we have this window,” said US Forest Service Administrator Dean Gould.
With the fire growing at the lowest rate in two weeks, he said, “things are clearly going in the right direction for us.”
Amid positive outlook, event meteorologist Jim Dudley warned that air masses in the Sierra Nevada move downward each night and then slope upward during the day and that ridges and deep canyon winds can form in the region. Which go in the “squirrel directions”.
“Just because we don’t have red flag wind conditions in the fire, the threat of wind is still there and it’s all local,” he warned.
The fire – which began on August 14, was named after the road where it began and passed through densely forested, rough areas – still raging from more than 30,000 homes, businesses and cabins to skis. Other buildings up to the resort were considered a threat.
Residents who were forced to flee South Lake Tahoe earlier this week were evacuated along with people across the state line in Douglas County, Nevada.
The resort area could easily accommodate 100,000 people on a busy weekend, but was empty just before Labor Day weekend.
The wildfires dealt a major blow to an economy that relies heavily on tourism and began recovering from pandemic shutdowns this summer.
“This is a big hit for our local businesses and workers who rely on a steady income to pay rent and keep food on their tables,” said South Lake Tahoe Mayor Pro-Tem Devin Middlebrook.
He said the bandh would also hurt the city, as most of its revenue comes from paying for police and fire services, as well as road maintenance from hotel taxes and sales taxes.
Fire officials said Friday’s forecast called for extremely dry weather during the day along with light winds, as high pressure builds up in the west with a warming trend over the weekend.
More than 15,000 firefighters were battling dozens of California blazes that have destroyed at least 1,500 homes. One fire, the Dixie Fire, was approximately 65 miles (105 kilometers) north of the Caldor Fire. It is the second largest wildfire in the state’s history at about 1,350 square miles (3,496 square kilometers) and covers 55 percent.
California has experienced increasingly large and deadly wildfires in recent years as climate change has made the West much hotter and drier over the past 30 years. Scientists have said that the weather will continue to be more extreme and wildfires more frequent, destructive and unpredictable. No death has been reported so far in this fire season.


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