Marriage law will not make child marriage void right from the start: Expert | India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Soon after the bill was introduced by the government Parliament To amend the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, some of those who were at the fore in supporting the decision, however, expressed regret that the proposed law does not bring an amendment to make child marriage void.
He pointed out that the proposed law would not make child marriage in its present form void from the outset and it would remain void at the option of the contracting party who had a child at the time of the marriage. after the introduction of the bill in Lok Sabha, Vikram Srivastava, Founder “Independent Thought” and Convener, Campaign Against Child Marriage, said, “The special and secular character of the PCMA is a welcome move with an overriding application.
The consequent amendments to other laws would eliminate the otherwise ambiguity and provide necessary protection to girls through a uniform law. “The 2021 amendment to the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, however, leaves unresolved the most controversial and complex distinction of the ‘void ab-initio’ clause. It is not clear how this increase in age will resolve or restrict marriage if it remains valid,” Srivastava said.
In the decision of the ‘Independent Thought’ case of 2017, Supreme court Having sex with a minor wife was declared a rape. Doctor Renu Singh Desh the director, Young Lives India, said the Bill stipulates the need for raising the age of marriage to 21 years and raising the age of marriage for girls on the basis of the principle of equality (equal age for men and women) to ensure that “physical, Mental and Reproductive Health ”Women are protected.
“Both these arguments are valid claims of the government and are supported by research. My only criticism is that why was Section 3(1) not amended to make child marriage void,” she said.
