India’s benchmark indices reached new heights shortly after markets opened on June 10, led by gains in Reliance Industries Ltd and Axis Bank Ltd. This surge followed Narendra Modi’s swearing-in as Prime Minister for a third term on Sunday. As of 09:21 a.m., the NSE Nifty 50 rose by 91.90 points (0.39%) to 23,382.05, and the BSE Sensex increased by 233.11 points (0.30%) to 76,926.47. Both indices hit record levels, with the NSE Nifty 50 reaching 23,411.90 and the Sensex climbing to 77,079.04.
Top gainers and losers
Among the major gainers on the Nifty were Adani Ports, Power Grid Corp, Bajaj Auto, Coal India, and Shriram Finance. Conversely, the biggest losers included Tech Mahindra, Infosys, Dr. Reddy’s Labs, LTIMindtree, and Hindalco.
Sectoral performance
Most sectoral indices traded in the green, except IT and metal sectors, which faced declines.