Mark Zuckerberg demonstrates Meta’s VR headset prototype to demonstrate progress towards virtual world refinement

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg shows off a virtual reality (VR) headset prototype to demonstrate how businesses are competing to make immersive experiences more realistic for people. Meta’s Reality Labs branch is rolling out new gear to address current obstacles in the VR realm. The prototypes demonstrate that work, while also indicating that a full headgear is capable of transporting us into the virtual world because its physical counterpart has yet to be manufactured.

Zuckerberg showcases four new VR headset prototypes

Zuckerberg showed four new vr headset The prototypes were created for research reasons in a one-and-a-half-minute video that circulated on Facebook and Instagram.

Butterscotch is the codename for the first in the series. It is an attempt to achieve near retinal resolution and is marketed as allowing users to comfortably see the smallest characters on a virtual vision chart. It overcomes the challenge of providing the 60-pixels-per-degree resolution that META considers to be the human retinal norm.

However, the headgear falls short of making the virtual experience as realistic as the real one. As a result, Meta has created the Half Dome prototype.

According to Zuckerberg, meta The Half Dome prototype lets users focus on any object at any distance. This is due to the varifocal lens and eye-tracking technology, which allows the device to shift its focus based on which object the user wants to see in the virtual world.

However, Half Dome prototypes, such as Butterscotch, are no longer commercially viable.

“We also need to rectify optical flaws in software in such a way that they are unnoticeable to the human eye,” Zuckerberg writes.

Starburst is the codename for the next prototype of Meta’s Reality Labs. It is intended to be an HDR VR system.

“Nature is sometimes 10 or even 100 times brighter than contemporary HDTVs and the most expensive displays, and we need those colors to feel authentic,” argues Zuckerberg.

However, the headgear is cumbersome to handle and has components like external fans that make it nothing like a standard VR headset.

Holocake 2 is a step closer to that goal

Nonetheless, Zuckerberg claims that the purpose of testing prototypes such as the Starburst is to fit all of the development techniques into a single device that is “lighter and smaller than anything that currently exists.”

Holocake 2 is a step closer to that goal. It’s a “working experimental gadget” featuring a holographic display to drive PC VR experiences without the need for any extra gear.

Even so, the headset is not intended for commercial use.

“We still have a long way to go,” Zuckerberg insists.