Many killed in knife attack in Germany’s Würzburg: Police

Several people were killed and others were injured on Friday in the southern German city of Würzburg, police said, after media reported a knife attack. “The attacker was overpowered after the police used firearms. There have been several injuries as well as deaths,” police said on Twitter, without giving details about the suspect’s motives.

German news outlets reported that the suspect had stabbed people in the city-centre.

Bild newspaper reported that police managed to arrest the man by shooting him in the leg, killing at least three people and injuring six others.

While the motive and full identity of the perpetrator are yet to be established, Germany is on high alert following several deadly Islamic extremist attacks.

Suspected Islamists have carried out several attacks in Germany in recent years, the deadliest of which was the December 2016 truck stampede at a Berlin Christmas market that left 12 people dead.

The Tunisian attacker, a failed asylum seeker, was a supporter of the Islamic State jihadist group.

Most recently, one person was killed and another seriously injured in an Islamist knife attack in the city of Dresden in October.

In May, a 20-year-old Syrian jihadist was sentenced to life in prison for a homophobic attack.

In August, six people were injured in a series of motorway accidents in Berlin, which prosecutors described as a suspected Islamist attack.

According to security services, the number of Islamists considered dangerous in Germany has risen sharply between 2015 and 2018.

But the numbers have declined since then, with only 615 deemed dangerous by the latest count – compared to 730 in January 2018.

On top of that, there are 521 people who “have attracted the attention of security services, but have not yet reached a level considered dangerous”.

Chancellor Angela Merkel has allowed more than a million asylum seekers since 2015 – a decision that has prompted the rise of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AFD) party, which alleges the influx poses an increased security risk. enhances.

But apart from Islamic attacks, there have been other attacks by knife-wielding people.

In October 2017, a knife-wielding man randomly attacked passersby in central Munich, injuring eight people with minor injuries. The police ruled out terrorism as a motive after the suspected criminal was taken into custody.

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