Mangaluru: Lockdown effect: Increase in leopard sightings in Mangaluru | Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: Forest department has recorded an increase in the number of leopard sightings especially Mangaluru Category. Officials attribute the sight to the pandemic-induced lockdown.
pacific dad, Mangaluru Range Forest Officer (RFO), the deserted streets revealed during the lockdown encouraged the big cats to venture into human habitat more freely than ever before. Since food was readily available near human settlements on the edge of forests, they must have got used to roaming around in this area.
“However, now that life is back to normal, especially in the case of vehicular movement, it may have an impact on the movement of leopards,” Pai said. “prior to covid, Two leopards were reported to be sighted in the range. At present, the department suspects movement of at least eight leopards in areas including Yedapadav. kuppepadav, Mizar, Ganjimat and Mangaluru airport areas.
In the last 15 days, incidents of dog killings were reported almost every day in areas like Kuppepadav and Mizar, which shows that leopards are on the rise. Pai said unscientific disposal of waste could also lead to leopard movement. Locals say that the population of dogs and wild boar has increased as people are throwing garbage here and there and this in turn is attracting leopards.
“The forest department is on alert,” Pai said. “Several CCTV videos have confirmed the movement of leopards. This footage is being investigated and cages have been kept at prominent places. A leopard was rescued from here about a month ago. little bit And left in the woods.”
Meanwhile, a meeting was held with the officials of the Mangaluru International Airport on Wednesday. Five cages have already been installed in this area and an additional five more will be installed.
Panic spread in Kumpala too after locals suspected the movement of a leopard in the area. Based on the complaint, the forest officials have kept a leopard in a cage in the area. However, an official said that there were no pug marks in the area.
