Mangaluru: Chase video viral, 2 arrested for stealing mobiles | Mangaluru News – Times of India

MANGALURU: ASI Varun Alva, working in the city police commissioner’s office, and a team of police chased the accused, two people accused of mobile theft were arrested.
city ​​police commissioner N Shashi Kumar Told the media on Thursday that an incident has been reported near Nehru Maidan Mangaluru South On Wednesday, on the police station border, the police saw one person chasing another. “Initially, it looked like a case of assault. Later, about four police personnel apprehended the pursuers. He soon realized that he had picked up a victim and an accused. Victim is a migrant laborer Rajasthan Rajasthan, and his mobile phone was snatched by the two accused, and he had also seen a group of people who were involved in planning the crime,” he said.
“The police and the public together caught the accused. Varun showed great courage in chasing the accused for more than 2 km,” said the commissioner.
The accused is 20-year-old Shamant. attavari, and Harish Pujari, 32, from neermarg, Preliminary investigation has revealed that the accused may be involved in many crimes and more people may be involved in the crime. During this, the chasing team has been given a reward of Rs 10,000.
