Man stabbed, with minor injuries, in West Bank city of Hebron; Palestinian attacker detained

A 38-year-old man was stabbed to death on Saturday morning at a checkpoint near the tomb of the Patriarchs in the West Bank city of Hebron, with minor injuries.

Police said in a statement that Israeli troops suppressed the Palestinian attacker without firing a shot.

According to the Haaretz daily, when Israeli soldiers approached, the attacker threw a knife to the ground and she lay on the ground.

The report said that she was a teenage girl.

The Cannes public broadcaster said the victim was treated at the scene for injuries to her face.

The attack took place close to the tomb of the Patriarchs, which is considered sacred by both Jews and Muslims and is used for prayer by worshipers of both religions. It has been a major flashpoint for the violence.

The tomb is visited by Jews during Shabbat and holidays and often under military protection.

This, and the surrounding area, has been the site of several attacks and attempted attacks against the Israelis. It is one of the worst incidents of settler violence against Palestinians, the 1994 massacre by far-right extremist Baruch Goldstein, who opened fire during prayer, killing 29 people and injuring more than 100.

Saturday’s attack comes amid a surge in Palestinian terror attacks in recent weeks, including the shooting of one man on Thursday evening, and four in Jerusalem alone, including a fatal shooting by a member of Hamas.

Meanwhile, search operations continued on Saturday to find the perpetrators behind Thursday’s fierce gunfight in the area around the West Bank city of Jenin.

Yehuda Dementman died while driving the car while leaving Homesh and two others suffered minor injuries. A military official said the car was ambushed from the side of the road.

According to television reports on Friday evening, security officials were concerned that Cell might attempt another attack before being caught.

Yehuda Dementman. (courtesy)

Three additional infantry battalions of the army, along with special forces and intelligence units, were deployed to the West Bank after the attack, as the army, the Shin Bet Security Service and the Israel Police searched the area for the attackers.

dementman Near where the attack took place was a yeshiva, or religious school student. Homesh is a settlement that was abandoned as part of the 2005 evictions, but is now the site of an illegally operated yeshiva.

The 25-year-old was the father of a nine-month-old son and lived in the West Bank settlement of Shawei Samaria.

Palestinian terrorist groups Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine praised Thursday’s attack but did not claim responsibility.

The vehicle that was shot in a terror attack on December 16, 2021 near the Homesh post in the West Bank. (Hillale Meier/Flash90)

Simultaneously with the increase in Palestinian attacks on Israelis, there has also been a significant increase in settlement violence towards the Palestinian people.

A group of extremist Israeli settlers attacked Palestinians and destroyed property in a West Bank village near Nablus on Thursday, hours after Palestinian media reported the attack.

Emanuel Fabian and Judah Ari Gross contributed to this report.

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