Man, 2 Minor Sons Drown In Test Dam | Rajkot Information – Instances of India

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Rajkot: A 35-year-old man and his two sons drowned in a test dam close to Paddhari city of Rajkot district late on Wednesday. Madan Bhil was carrying his two sons, Rahul (5) and Gasan (2), on his shoulders and going to the farm on the outskirts of Jilariya village the place he and his spouse work as labourers. The household had gone to the village to buy ration and greens. Whereas crossing the Khodiyar test dam at the hours of darkness, his leg slipped from the wall and all three of them fell into the water and drowned.
His spouse who was following them may solely watch the incident helplessly. Bhil was a local of UP. tnn


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