‘Make Wax Drive a mass movement’. Coimbatore News – Times of India

Krishnagiri: Deputy Director of District Health Services Dr V Govindan said here on Tuesday that the vaccination campaign against COVID-19 should be made a people-driven mass movement.
Dr. Govindan inaugurated an Integrated Communication Outreach Program on Poshan Maah and COVID Vaccine Awareness Program organized by Field Outreach Bureau, Dharmapuri and Integrated Child Development Services Scheme (ICDS), Shoolagiri.
In Krishnagiri, 10,05,000 out of 17,39,000 adult population have received at least one dose of vaccination. “Even after taking the vaccine, the precautions for Covid must be followed,” he said.
Dr. Govindan also flagged off an LED mobile promotional vehicle at the venue. The vehicle will travel across the district displaying video messages on Poshan Maah, COVID-19, vaccination and 75th year of India’s independence. news network

