Maharashtra: Two arrested for assaulting pregnant forest guard in Satara. Kolhapur News – Times of India

Kolhapur: Former sarpanch of Palsawade village of Satara district thrashed on-duty forest guard Sindhu Sanap on Wednesday. An FIR was registered at Satara taluka police station against former sarpanch Ramchandra Jankar and his wife Pratibha Jankar and both were arrested on Thursday morning.
Chief Conservator of Forests Clement Benn, who met Sanap in Palsawade on Thursday, said that the forest guard is three months pregnant. “A sonography has been done. The lady guard has some bruises, but she and the fetus are otherwise stable. Both the accused have been arrested and we are expecting strict action against them,” Ben said.
Recalling his ordeal, Sanap said, “From the day I joined Palsawade posting three months back, they (knowledgeable) are threatening us and demanding money. I protested against them and they are being punished.” I was not allowed to take monetary gains from the works. Three days ago the tiger count had started, and the knowledgeable again protested. On Wednesday, when I was returning from work, they attacked me. Asking: ‘You these forest workers? Who gave permission to bring him here for tiger census?’ My husband was also attacked.”
The video of Jankar assaulting a forest guard had gone viral, drawing criticism across the board. State Women’s Commission chairperson Rupali Chakankar said, “The incident in Palsawade is heinous. The accused kicked a three-month pregnant woman in the stomach. Maharashtra Taking serious cognizance of this, the Women’s Commission has asked the Satara Police to take strict action against the culprits.
Maharashtra Environment Minister Aaditya Thackeray also said, “The accused will face the law strictly. Such acts will not be tolerated.”
Satara Additional SP Ajit Borade said, “An FIR has been registered against Joint Forest Management Committee chief Jankar and his wife Pratibha for allegedly beating up Sanap and her husband Suryaji Thombare, who is also a forest guard. While they were doing tiger census work near Palsawade. A case was registered under IPC sections 353, 332, 334, 504 and 506. The accused absconded after the incident. On Thursday morning, Ramachandra Jankar was arrested from Shirwal Pratibha has also been arrested.”
