Amazon Prime Video unveiled the trailer for the Tamil action-thriller Mahaan today, which will be released on February 10th. This action-packed drama, directed by Karthik Subbaraj and produced by Lalit Kumar under the banner of Seven Screen Studio, features an incredibly stellar cast, including Vikram in the lead, Dhruv Vikram, Bobby Simha, and Simran in pivotal roles. Mahaan will be available in Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Telugu. The film is titled Maha Purusha in Kannada.
The fast-paced trailer follows the story of a simple man who suffers a personal tragedy when his family abandons him after he deviates from his straight-laced and principled life. He moves on without them to pursue his dreams, but even as he reaches the pinnacle of success, he misses his son’s presence and wishes he could bring him back into his life. What unfolds is an action-packed story about unexpected events in his life that take him through highs and lows, altering the course of his life.
The film’s director, Karthik Subbaraj delves into the gripping storyline and his experience working with a stellar cast, saying, “Mahaan is a labor of love for me with a strong cast and crew supporting me by giving their very best. It is always a delight to work with Vikram, and Mahaan has been extra-special, as it is the 60th movie in his expansive and impressive career. The movie has also given me the opportunity to bring together and direct the dynamic father-son duo of Vikram and Dhruv in their first onscreen appearance together ever. I am confident that fans and audiences are going to love seeing them light up the screens with their own unique brands of creativity, moving in perfect harmony with each other. I am looking forward to Mahaan premiering on Amazon Prime Video and reaching a much wider audience across the globe.”
The film’s titular character, played by acclaimed actor Vikram, discusses his experience in the film and why this role is extra special to him, “Mahaan will have the audience hooked throughout with its perfect blend of action and drama, balanced by intense emotions. My character in the movie has multiple shades and it was very interesting to transition from one emotion to another as the story progressed. It is, of course, also an extra special film for me – one, as I reach a milestone in my cinematic journey with this being my 60th film, and secondly as my son Dhruv Vikram is playing my reel-life son in it. He has worked very hard for this role, and I am very proud of him. Working with a director as talented as Kartik Subbaraj, who has this exact vision for what he wants as an end result, is always a pleasure. I am delighted that Mahaan is launching on Prime Video and that it will reach viewers across the globe, starting February 10.
Dhruv Vikram, who also plays the central character role in the film, describes his experience in the film and his character in depth, saying, “Mahaan is very special to me as this is the first time I am getting to share screen space with my father and that too in a role portraying his son. He is a very talented man with an excellent understanding of the craft and I have so much to learn from him. “Working under Karthik Subbaraj Sir’s direction was a superb experience and he guided me through the film, helping me understand the nuances and intensity of my character in depth. It really brought out the best in me and I hope the audience enjoys my performance and the film. What makes it even more special is that Mahaan will be available for a worldwide audience to watch, thanks to the reach of Prime Video and I am eagerly looking forward to its premiere on the streaming service.”
Simran, who plays the character Nachi in Mahaan, has previously collaborated with Kathik, and Vikram is excited to join forces with them. She was ecstatic to play her character in the film. She said, “The film is an action-packed entertainer with lots of emotions and drama intertwined throughout the story. Nachi, my character in the movie, is a humble and simple-hearted woman leading a simple life with her small and loving family, and how her world crashes when her husband strays from the path of an ideological life.”
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