“Made Sufficient In Title Of Gandhis”: Karnataka Congress MLA’s Loaded Comment

'Made Enough In Name Of Gandhis': Karnataka Congress MLA's Loaded Remark

Final time, KR Ramesh Kumar made headlines was together with his outrageous “take pleasure in rape” comment. (File photograph)


Congress MLA and former speaker in Karnataka meeting KR Ramesh Kumar, recognized for his unfiltered feedback, has set off one other controversy, saying Congress leaders have “made sufficient” within the title of Nehru-Gandhis “to final us for subsequent three to 4 generations”.

Talking on the Congress get together’s protest held in Freedom Park in Bengaluru as get together chief Sonia Gandhi was questioned by the Enforcement Directorate, Mr Kumar mentioned, “We have now earned sufficient to final us for the subsequent three to 4 generations within the title of Nehru, Indira Gandhi and Sonia Gandhi”.

“Now, if we aren’t able to repay these money owed, I’m afraid the meals we eat will probably be infested with worms,” he added.

The remarks are anticipated to play into the arms of the state’s ruling BJP, which has repeatedly accused the Congress of corruption. It is usually not more likely to endear Mr Kumar to his colleagues, a number of of whom are beneath the scanner of Central investigating businesses.

Final time, Mr Kumar made headlines was together with his outrageous “take pleasure in rape” comment.

In December, throughout a dialogue on farmers’ points within the state meeting, Speaker Vishweshwar Hegde Kageri had questioned how everybody might be allotted time to talk in view of time constraint.

“No matter you determine – I’ll say sure. What I’m pondering is that allow us benefit from the scenario. I am unable to management or regulate the system. My concern is concerning the enterprise of the home, it has additionally to be lined,” he requested.

To this, the Congress MLA mentioned: “There’s a saying that when rape is inevitable, lie down and luxuriate in it. That’s precisely the place which you’re in.”

Whereas the others within the meeting — shockingly — laughed in response, the temper rapidly modified as stories of the remark evoked outrage.

The Congress mentioned it disapproved of the “extremely objectionable and insensitive banter”. The ladies MLAs held protests the subsequent day and the ladies’s fee — each on the state and the Centre — condemned the remarks.

In face of the backlash, Mr Kumar needed to provide an apology.