MAA elections: Vishnu Manchu’s desperate attempt to clear the air

Vishnu Manchu, who shared the stage with Telugu ‘power star’ Pawan Kalyan at the ‘Alai Balai’ event here, had tweeted a video that drew criticism from both sides after the recent MAA elections.

Most of the replies to the tweet criticized that Vishnu was neglected by Pawan Kalyan in the program. Some netizens went further and commented that Vishnu was disregarded for the unsolicited comments made on the ‘mega’ family during the MAA elections.

Clearing the air about the video, Vishnu Manchu finally came to his rescue. Vishnu said, “I shared the video to surprise Pawan Kalyan fans, as Pawan Kalyan has a lot of fans. It is not true that he ignored me or we have any kind of enmity as predicted. As per protocol in Alai Balai program, we did not talk on stage. But did have a brief conversation outside the stage,” Vishnu said.

Vishnu said that Pawan Kalyan had wished him to win the MAA election. “Pawan Kalyan expressed that MAA is like his mother, and asked me to protect it with full responsibility”. Moving on, Vishnu also posted a YouTube link where Pawan Kalyan and Vishnu seem to have a brief conversation.

Well, industry people are wondering why Vishnu is so desperate to prove these things when he has a huge responsibility as the president of MAA.

The recent elections to the Movie Artists Association (MAA) had created friction among Tollywood actors. With elected president Vishnu’s media interactions and his father Mohan Babu’s public statements, things got worse.

Vishnu Manchu had commented on Chiranjeevi and his family being against him during the election.
