Ludhiana reports 2 new Covid-19 cases. Ludhiana News – Times of India

Ludhiana : Deputy Commissioner Varinder Kumar Sharma Told on Thursday that under ‘Mission Fateh’ Punjab Govt., The number of COVID-19 patients recovering in Ludhiana district is increasing with every passing day. He said that at present there are 31 active patients in the district.
He said that sincere efforts are being made to keep people safe from COVID-19. He said that a total of 2 patients (from district Ludhiana) have tested positive in the last 24 hours.
He further said that so far a total of 2354391 samples have been taken, out of which 2255233 samples have been found negative. He said that now the total number of patients belonging to Ludhiana is 87494, while 11664 patients are from other districts/states.
He said that the total death toll included 2098 from Ludhiana and 1049 from other districts.
He said that whenever the district administration and Health Department Ludhiana In case of any positive or suspected COVID-19 person, their samples are immediately sent for testing. Similarly, today 9003 samples of suspected patients were sent for examination and their results are expected soon.
Deputy Commissioner Varinder Kumar Sharma appealed to the residents to follow all the safety protocols like wearing of masks, maintaining social distancing and frequent hand washing by the Punjab government to not only protect themselves but to keep everyone safe.
