Ludhiana: Progressive farmers showed the way in stubble management Ludhiana News – Times of India

LUDHIANA: The ‘sincere efforts’ of the state government to eliminate the menace of stubble burning through new techniques and practices for stubble management has lent its overwhelming support to the government’s call with the farmers in Ludhiana to give up this practice. Is. , a statement from the district administration said.
Gurmail Singh of Boprai Kalan is one of those farmers who have been decomposing stubble in their fields since 2016 with a mulcher machine and a reversible MB plough.
He said that this has reduced the cost of their fertilizers and also increased the yield of crops.
Singh said that earlier he used to buy equipment from the cooperative society but later he himself bought it and now he started giving the machine to other farmers so that they too can use it for crop residue management.
Singh said that stubble burning Kills soil nutrients including 100 percent nitrogen, 80 percent sulfur, and 20 percent phosphorus and further produces hazardous gases into the environment that cause health problems in people. He said that he had also held a meeting in the village with other panchayat members and all took an oath not to burn stubble.
Similarly, Jaspal Singh of Jalanpur village, who has kept away from stubble burning and stubble management, is now creating awareness among his groups about the dangerous effects of this practice.
Singh, who used paddy straw for paddy cultivation in 27 acres, said that now most of the farmers of the village plow their fields, which gives good results.
Deputy Commissioner Varinder Kumar Sharma appreciated the efforts of such farmers in adopting crop residue management and rejecting stubble burning.
He said that the State Government is committed to provide new machines for stubble management to the farmers so that no one can get involved in stubble burning.
