Love, sex and cheating after marriage: Married Muslim girl in temple in Bihar; Said after 3 months – not to be with you

Muzaffarpur17 minutes ago

In Muzaffarpur, Bihar, a girl was cheated in the name of marriage. The victim says that her boyfriend got married first after getting caught in his words. Then had a relationship for 3 months, now refused to live together citing family. The victim is now wandering for justice.

The matter is of Sakra police station area of ​​the district. Where a Muslim girl from where her alleged lover Govind Soni had falsely married and sexually abused her. The police is investigating the matter The victim told that she and the accused used to work in a private company. She came in contact with the young man about four months ago.

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sexual abuse by pretending to be married

While working with both of them, about 25 young men and women from the company had gone to Delhi. Where the young man came close to the girl. Then falsely pretended to love her. Said he wanted to live life with her. Will always be with you.

The girl fell for him. Then there was a relationship between the two. After that both came back. Then he pressurized the young man to get married. The accused got married in a temple in Sakra area. Then said that now we will also marry according to the customs of court marriage and your religion. In this way, he continued to sexually abuse her for about three months.

Meanwhile, the girl also gave him 17 thousand rupees in connection with the work. When he pressured the accused to keep him with him, he retracted. He started procrastinating citing the pressure of family members.

Even the public representatives did not help

The girl realized that she had been cheated. He asked for the money lent back. The accused had given Rs.11 thousand. But, he started refusing to give six thousand rupees. The girl told this to the village sarpanch and expressed her desire to marry and live with the young man. But he alleges that even a public representative of the village did not support him. He started calling her good and bad. She was very sad to hear this. He was also returned the outstanding amount through the Sarpanch. Now he has taken steps for his own justice. A complaint has been lodged by going to the police station.

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