Love healthy and strong nails? Make Sure Your Diet Has These Vitamins, Minerals

Beautiful nails enhance the beauty of our hands. Some women are fond of having big nails, but their nails break frequently and they resort to extensions on special occasions. Did you know that to keep nails beautiful and healthy, it is necessary to take a nutritious diet, which includes nutrients like protein, iron, zinc and biotin?

Here is a list of nutrients to keep our nails strong and healthy:

Protein: Consuming a diet rich in protein helps you to get healthy and strong nails. Plenty of protein is found in lentils and mushrooms. Fish, rich in omega-3 fatty acids, is also a good source of protein and sulphur. If your nails are thin and break frequently, then you can include these things in your diet.

Iron: The function of iron in the body is to provide sufficient oxygen to the cells. When the body is properly oxygenated, nails also become healthy and strong. If there is an iron deficiency, the shape and size of your nails may be affected.

For this, you have to include foods rich in iron in your diet. You can meet your iron requirement by including spinach, beetroot, tomato and black gram in your diet.

vitamin C: Vitamin C is essential for the development of collagen. Vitamin C strengthens nails. For this, include citrus fruits like lemon, orange, kiwi, strawberry and tomato in your daily routine. Green leafy vegetables and oranges should also be included in your diet. Men need 90 milligrams and women 75 milligrams of vitamin C per day.

Zinc: Zinc is one of the most important among many other supplements for healthy and strong nails. Since the body needs zinc for the growth and division of cells. For this, you should consume zinc rich food. It is found in abundance in fish, eggs, soy, chickpeas, black beans, almonds, cashews and seeds.

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